No certain order, but all must reads
1. Jesus- A Theography by Len Sweet and Frank Viola
2. A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards
3. Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas
4. Sifted by Rick Lawrence
5. Barefoot Church by Brandon Hatmaker
6. Platform by Michael Hyatt
7. Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard (1of a 3 book rotation I read semi-annually)
8. The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine
9. The Cloud and the Line by Paul Gibbs (PAIS Project)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
No Church, No pews, No Problem
During a huge building project and remodel of our church's main worship facility we were holding services in our Fellowship Hall. That was until this past Sunday night when a fire caused extensive damage to our facility and all but eliminated any way to use our campus for corporate gathering. It was already somewhat unsettling for so many to not have our Christmas plays and musicals in our worship center, but a strange unifying communion had taken place in that fellowship hall! Our church had pulled together in so much during this building project and displacement, honestly, it's been a sweet time of worship and fellowship.
I think it would be so easy to be discouraged now. A major set back, another displacement, another 'new" place for families to gather for these special times of celebrating the Lords birth. However, what an amazing time for our faith family to tighten up again. We've gone from 3 services to 2 in the fellowship hall, to now just 1 in our temporary location. Maybe I'm crazy, but I believe this could be the best Christmas celebration our church has ever experienced. Maybe we needed to strip down all the stuff (as much as we enjoy it), maybe its not about the decorations, even about the styles of music and instruments that will be played! Perhaps, the Lord is "doing a new thing" among us that will put front and center the Lord Jesus in all his splendor; that this season, FBC Midland would put every thought, every effort, and every praise toward he alone who is worthy of such... No Church, No Pews, No Problem for the Lord!
Merry Christmas!!!
I think it would be so easy to be discouraged now. A major set back, another displacement, another 'new" place for families to gather for these special times of celebrating the Lords birth. However, what an amazing time for our faith family to tighten up again. We've gone from 3 services to 2 in the fellowship hall, to now just 1 in our temporary location. Maybe I'm crazy, but I believe this could be the best Christmas celebration our church has ever experienced. Maybe we needed to strip down all the stuff (as much as we enjoy it), maybe its not about the decorations, even about the styles of music and instruments that will be played! Perhaps, the Lord is "doing a new thing" among us that will put front and center the Lord Jesus in all his splendor; that this season, FBC Midland would put every thought, every effort, and every praise toward he alone who is worthy of such... No Church, No Pews, No Problem for the Lord!
Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
A Hakuna Matata Theology-Part II
"It's a problem free philosophy"! This sounds
amazing, however it just can’t be biblically substantiated. Jesus says in John
16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world.” Jesus is very upfront with his disciples, you
WILL have troubles, so why aren't we? I have become more and more
aware of my calling to prepare students for the "trouble" of this
world but also encouraging them to "take heart"
With this being established over the last post and above
paragraph, how do we do this? How do we who lead students prepare them for the
truth of what Jesus taught in John 16:33?
First, be upfront with students! They are
pretty perceptive anyway, but by opening Gods word and sharing with them
consistently what Jesus taught his disciples about salvation and the
Christian life they will be better equipped to navigate the world they live.
Secondly, Make it a priority to reaffirm a students
Identity in Christ and dependence upon his work in them
for transformation. Hard times will come and doubts will surface, but if a
student is always reminded of WHO they really are it makes weathering the
storms more beneficial
Third, ALWAYS work with a students parents whenever
possible. Without a doubt a parent has way more spiritual influence over
a student than we do. It is simply insufficient for any one leading
students to do so isolating the family. These storms and troubles of life
often emanate from home anyway, so it benefits the whole family
when this principle is followed.
Last, celebrate in the bad times as well. To often we
celebrate when things are great and lament when things aren't so
great, but leading students to "rejoice always" can prove
advantageous for forming a better theology of Christian life and
Its obvious that much more can be said about how to
combat this "hakuna matata" mentality this generation is immersed in,
but these simple principles can prove to be a great start to
helping students take their rightful place in the Kingdom...
Friday, October 19, 2012
A Hakuna Matata Theology-Part 1
As I was watching one of my absolute favorite movies with my kids, it came to the all important scene of Simba being "rescued" by Timon and Pumbaa. They of course teach him their philosophy of life, Hakuna Matata. This is a Swahili phrase meaning, "There are no worries" As I watched my three kids dance and sing, I suddenly realized: This is exactly what the students I serve think life should be!! It was a light bulb, no an explosion of thought about all the conversations I have had with hundreds of students and their parents. They in some way feel like their life should be void of trouble and problems. I mean, as a Christian shouldn't life be oh so rosy and care free?
Christian Smith, in his research and subsequent book Soul Searching, coined the phrase 'moralistic therapeutic deism' which simply put is 'God exists for my betterment'. Isn't this exactly a "hakuna matata' mentality? Now I am not saying its all Disney's fault this generation has been deceived, all because of an animated classic! I am saying however, that such a mentality has permeated the church, parenting, and the student culture that running from problems, blaming other people, and taking no responsibility for one's actions is the "norm".
This isn't scriptural AT ALL! When I read the Bible, specifically the words of Jesus, he is very animate about the fact that, "In this world you will have trouble" John 16:33. However he also says in this same text to have peace? How? How is it possible to embrace the tension between troubles and peace? The answer lies in who we choose to place our faith in! We can not expect to live trouble free, but we can fully expect that King Jesus is reigning from his throne and will rise up and defend those who trust in him! I believe that those of us who lead and equip students and parents must be very clear in training people to not avoid issues in life, but to commit their lives to the real Jesus, who reigns sovereignly and has perfect plans for those problems and issues that arise in our everyday life.
We must stand and truthfully preach that Jesus has conquered all so that we can live…."Worry free" not because we ignore the problem or run away, but because, "we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." (1 John 2:1) who will always come to our defense! May we be diligent to help students and parents take their rightful place in the kingdom, overcome their past and lead people well!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Jesus is in the ICU
I have spent the better half of the last 4
days in either the Intensive Care Unit or the ICU waiting room with my Dad. As
I look around the room, I see the deepest hurt, pain, worry, and sadness
imaginable. The family across the room is visiting their patriarch as his life
hangs in the balance moment to moment; the entire clan gathers to cry and share
stories. The lady sitting across from me has been sobbing off and on all day,
when I stopped to pray with her she said her Mother died 2 months ago, her step
mother died 3 weeks ago, her husband is a disabled veteran who has been denied
any benefits and is battling colon cancer all while she sits in this waiting
room being told the tumors in her fathers kidneys are inoperable and they have
no idea how to proceed. The family to my left waits out a final diagnosis on
their elderly mothers cancer, only to find out that the prognosis is bleak. My
own family gathers worried about Dad and how his future may look with a
severely damaged heart and the only kidney he has left dysfunctional.
During the morning visiting hours, in a moment of divine
intersection, I looked up from my Dads bedside to catch a moment in time I'll
never forget. There was an elderly man across the unit, who to that moment had
no visitors, his condition is obviously critical and the "crash cart"
had gone in out more times than I could count. I ached in my spirit for the
man; as my Mom and I gathered around my Dad, talking to him, wiping his brow,
holding his hand and no one gathered at that mans bedside! No one mourned his
illness, no one wiped his brow and it seemed no one cared. As I tried to field
the innumerable texts, calls, and emails I had been receiving, as we had a
strategy laid out to filter the many guests via relational priority and the
whole time this poor guy lay in a bed suffering all alone. I wept and thanked
God for his faithful attention to our family. I prayed and thanked the Lord for
the network of people in my life that care and then it struck me to pray for
the man in that room to have someone come to his side. We left visiting time to
return to our "fort" we had built in the waiting area when we
encountered a new lady that hadn't been a part of our band of suffering
brothers in 4 days! She was a bit lost and frazzled and no idea where to go,
she was sure that she had missed visiting hours and was noticeably upset. She
had been working double shifts and had taken her lunch hour to run see her Dad
but couldn't find it. She was sure that this was where they told her to go. It
only took a few moments to find out that she was there to see that man who was all-alone!
I was so thrilled to walk her down to the ICU doors and watch her run in and
run to the bedside to love on her Dad. I was so thankful, the man no longer was
suffering alone when it dawned on me: He was never alone! Just like we were
serving my Dad, the Lord has been serving this man. The Lord was in that room
just like in my Dads. Jesus was at all times attending to the needs of those in
that room and waiting room. He wiped tears and hugged necks. He reassured and
comforted. For the first time in a week, I KNEW Jesus was in the ICU!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Bad "Things" & "Good" People
Why do bad things happen to good people? It’s the
age old question that plagues us all still. There are multiple problems with
this question. First, at what point did "bad" things become relegated
to circumstantial issues that concern God in the least bit? Is he no more in
the know of these occurrences than when they don't happen, or when life is
good? Or is he justified in such times maybe when the person it happens to is
more "deserving"? I just don't know at what point we made the
decision that what happens in this life isn't ultimately good in every way?
Understandable? Likable? Or even Preferred? Maybe not, but its dangerous to say
that what happens isn't in any way connected with Gods loving hand moving in
our lives!
Second, when did we become good? Jesus even
deferred "goodness" strictly to the Father. I'm just not sure that
when asking such a question that we can appropriately label any of us
"good". Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly believe that in Christ we
ARE a new creation and perfected before the Father as taught in the New
Testament. I also am well aware of the dangerous popular cultural belief that
our lives in Christ should be filled with comfort and ease! The model of life
for us all is Jesus, right? Was he not the ultimate example of life and
perfection? Yet his life was filled with hurt, pain, and ultimately suffering
and shame at the expense of we the "good" people.
I am not writing because I have answers, I am writing because I am
suffering, people around me are suffering, and I want to be submissive to what
Christ is calling us toward.... I want to obey the suffering; I want to be more
like Jesus today than yesterday!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Small Steps Lead to Giant Leaps
The process of spiritual maturation can be daunting. I often become overwhelmed at how little growth I see in myself compared to what I desire and what I know God desires for me. I have students text me almost weekly and ask questions like, "How do I know I am looking more like Christ?" or "How can I be a Christian when I make so many mistakes?" Just like my own questioning it leads to despair. However, when having these times of discouragement, I am reminded of Jesus' words, “If anyone would come
after me, he must first deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For
whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me
and for the gospel will save it” (Mark 8:34-35 NIV).
The passage is laid out by Jesus himself in steps: deny, take up, follow.... steps. Now these steps aren't a coincidence. These aren't just SOME steps to spiritual maturity, these are THE steps! The denial of self and the desires of the self. To take up or assume upon oneself the new life Jesus offers. Finally, continue to follow Jesus into the service of his kingdom. When we take these "small" steps daily, we discover down the road what a giant leap we've made from who we use to be!
The passage is laid out by Jesus himself in steps: deny, take up, follow.... steps. Now these steps aren't a coincidence. These aren't just SOME steps to spiritual maturity, these are THE steps! The denial of self and the desires of the self. To take up or assume upon oneself the new life Jesus offers. Finally, continue to follow Jesus into the service of his kingdom. When we take these "small" steps daily, we discover down the road what a giant leap we've made from who we use to be!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
4 Ways to Waste your Time...and Life
Time is the greatest commodity we have! It's
precious and we waste so much of it!
Below are 4 of the greatest wastes of time I have experienced in life and ministry:
Below are 4 of the greatest wastes of time I have experienced in life and ministry:
1. Fear- Fear is not to be confused with worry or
the "fear" that the Bible descibes as reverence for the Lord!
Fear is an unrealized, presumption of what might be happening or could happen.
It often is related to a circumstance of our past and has no real bearing on
the present moment. However it can be crippling and rob us of precious time. We
should remember that fear is NOT from God, "For God has not given us a
spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2
Timothy 1:7 NLT)
2. Worry- Worry, like fear is an unnecessary
presumption, but it's more about the future than the present reality. It's a fear of the unknown and can literally rob you of the joys of the moment. Worry
is also an indicator of your faith and reflects your view of who God is. Jesus
reminds his disciples "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday
life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t
life more than food, and your body more than clothing?" (Matthew 6:25 NLT)
he goes on to say later in the passage "And aren’t you far more valuable
to him than they are"(Matthew 6:26 NLT) We tend to forget that when we worry,
we simply tell God that he isn't big enough.
3. Doubt- seemingly a synonym for the latter, doubt
is one of the more precarious time stealers. When we doubt, we basically do not
trust in the character and provision of God. When doubting, we waste our time
on the "what if's" or "can it be's" rather than relying on
what we already know to be true about God. Scripture reminds us,
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own
understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which
path to take. (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NLT) You see doubt will always keep you from
seeing exactly what God is doing in your life and that's time wasted!
4. Anger- Finally there is the fierce force known
as anger. Scripture tells us that anger can make you look like a fool
(Ecclesiastes 7:9) That in a growing relationship with Christ it should be
something we are slowly moving away from (Col 3; Eph 4) And that it if not
carefully addressed can lead to deeper sin (Psalm 37). More than anything,
anger can be very harmful to your relationships with others, which is one of
the key ways God desires for us to use our time on this earth. Anger is also another indicator of
your faith and trust in God and how he is moving and working in your
life and relationships.
Time is precious, we have been entrusted with a certain amount of it,
and it would be a shame to allow Fear, Worry, Doubt, or Anger to waste your time!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Martin Luther on Generosity
Although the Christian is thus free from all works, he ought in this liberty to empty himself, take upon himself the form of a servant, be made in the likeness of men, be found in human form, and to serve, help, and in every way deal with his neighbor as he sees that God through Christ has dealt and still deals with him. This he should do freely, having regard for nothing but divine approval.
He ought to think: "Although I am an unworthy and condemned man, my God has given me in Christ all the riches of righteousness and salvation without any merit on my part, out of pure, free mercy, so that from now on I need nothing except faith which believes that this is true. Why should I not therefore freely, joyfully, with all my heart, and with an eager will do all things which I know are pleasing and acceptable to such a Father who has overwhelmed me with his inestimable riches? I will therefore give myself as a Christ to my neighbor, just as Christ offered himself to me; I will do nothing in this life except what I see is necessary, profitable, and salutary to my neighbor, since through faith I have an abundance of all good things in Christ." - Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther
He ought to think: "Although I am an unworthy and condemned man, my God has given me in Christ all the riches of righteousness and salvation without any merit on my part, out of pure, free mercy, so that from now on I need nothing except faith which believes that this is true. Why should I not therefore freely, joyfully, with all my heart, and with an eager will do all things which I know are pleasing and acceptable to such a Father who has overwhelmed me with his inestimable riches? I will therefore give myself as a Christ to my neighbor, just as Christ offered himself to me; I will do nothing in this life except what I see is necessary, profitable, and salutary to my neighbor, since through faith I have an abundance of all good things in Christ." - Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Quest for Greatness
As I watch the Olympics I am in awe of the dedication, discipline, and sacrifice every one of these athletes and their families have made for this moment! When I visited the Olympic training facilities in Colorado, our guide told us that the average athlete spends $250k a year to train and that many athletes family's have several mortgages and loans just to support this dream! I again say, I am in awe of such sacrifice of anyone for anything. I began to think about so many who don't make it, can't afford it, have injuries end their career or just aren't as good as others. How do they measure themselves at that point? I am grateful that in my life, greatness is measured by who Christ is and not how I perform, how many medals I get or how fast I get it done! One of the pastors who mentored me in the early years would always say, "God judges you on your faithfulness not your effectiveness!" I am so grateful for those words and the truth they remind me of after all these years. Doesn't mean I don't strive for greatness, but my quest is not found in my ability or results but in a loving savior who "will finish what HE began in me". I am great because Jesus declares me great... That's victory! Hebrews 2:11
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I'm Batman....
Sitting in a hotel room it scrolled across the screen: "Breaking News: Shooting in Colorado Theatre at opening of Batman Movie." Sadly I was almost none responsive as if I was completely inoculated in our day of shootings, terrorism, and ramped depravity. But after a moment, my gut sank, my throat got dry and I began to mourn. I mourned for those in that theatre, who simply went to be entertained and enjoy a movie, but instead lost their life or had their life altered forever physically, emotionally or psychologically. I mourned for the shooter, his brokenness, his depth of hopelessness and the shear sadness of a person constructing such evil in his heart. I mourned for families, parents, spouses, Moms and Dads who suffered unmentionable loss in that theatre. I also in the moments ahead thought back to years before, the very day that I stood before the students in my very first Youth group to explain why two kids went into their school and began to kill classmates in a brutal savage way. I am reminded of the human condition and the ever deepening sense of reaching as many people as I can with the hope of Jesus...Why does God allow such things to happen? I think the better question is Even though such things happen, why does God keep lovingly pursuing people like us? Lord may I never forget that without you, I am simply a Dark Knight vigilante myself...thank you for calling me into your great light!
Friday, July 13, 2012
L'amour de Dieu, les gens aiment
It's amazing how easy it is to love people when I travel abroad. Kids in slums, girls being sold like objects in market, 3rd world poverty and any other obstacle you can think of. But I observed in my own heart this week that loving the people of Haiti was easy. It's the people I will sit next to on flights today and tomorrow. It's the lady at the store back home who is super slow checking out my buggy full of food that I will hard time loving; the guy parked "to close" to my large SUV when I go to put the groceries in to go home to my comfortable home where I will have a hard time loving my neighbor who usually cranks his loud truck WAY earlier than I want to get up.... You get what I'm saying. As I leave Haiti today, the prayer in my heart is that I will Love God and Love People. All people!!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Jesus lives at the Waffle House
Every year at camp, we set aside one night to take our graduating seniors on an "after hours excursion". This year we found out that about 80% of the seniors at camp had never been to Waffle House!?! So of course I had to solve this crisis. After the confusion of how to order, the awe of hearing scattered, covered, smothered, and chunked, lots of pictures and a good time was had. As we were leaving, a man asked, "Would you buy me some coffee?" Well 17 of us look at each other for a moment and then I say, "Sure!" Look in my wallet all I had was a $20. My rule is, if someone asks for money, if I have it I give it, no questions just give. It's all Gods money anyway! Well this gave us an opportunity and so 1 hour later we had heard a man that was literally destroyed by divorce, loss of job and confessed that if we hadn't talked with him, he had decided to take his own life. What a great privilege I had to see my seniors gather around this guy, listen to his story, share the love of Christ, and pray with him! I left that night convinced that Jesus lives at Waffle House!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Camp will Kill You
Months and months of planning, two straight weeks of final prep, the day of leaving full of last minute add & drops, the 8 hour bus ride filled with smells that shall never be described by scientists.... Camp will kill you!
The rooming woes, the Jr high kid who is hanging off the balcony, that kid who "never burns", the plans that never work, the food mishaps, the leader who never listens to instructions.... Camp will kill you!
The lights go down, the Spirt moves, Jesus is lifted high, students meet with Jesus and are changed, the hearts of students and leaders are awakened to their kingdom purpose, a great awakening begins NOW.... Camp will kill you AND it's worth it!
Can't wait to get to camp tomorrow!!!!!!
The rooming woes, the Jr high kid who is hanging off the balcony, that kid who "never burns", the plans that never work, the food mishaps, the leader who never listens to instructions.... Camp will kill you!
The lights go down, the Spirt moves, Jesus is lifted high, students meet with Jesus and are changed, the hearts of students and leaders are awakened to their kingdom purpose, a great awakening begins NOW.... Camp will kill you AND it's worth it!
Can't wait to get to camp tomorrow!!!!!!
Student Ministry
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Scratching the Itch
Have you ever been restless? I have! Every time I have ever felt restless I always assumed it was because God was "moving" me somewhere. That it was time to polish up the ole resume and start house shopping. I was reading 1 Timothy 3:14 and noticed something, Paul was restless. His heart yearned to go and see what God was doing, but he stayed where he was. I have realized this week what a great blessing longevity in ministry can be. To date 4 1/2 years is the longest run I've had. I don't doubt that my intent was to stay and I also trust that everything happened the way God wanted, but in this season of life and
Ministry I see the value of going the distance, staying put, but not "settling". This restless feeling, I have come to learn may very well be God showing new things he wants for my current location, not for me to move to a NEW location. Often it's easier to move and start over, but I believe that restless feeling may just be something new God is going to do right where I am both in ME and in ministry. Can't wait for the next chapter...
Ministry I see the value of going the distance, staying put, but not "settling". This restless feeling, I have come to learn may very well be God showing new things he wants for my current location, not for me to move to a NEW location. Often it's easier to move and start over, but I believe that restless feeling may just be something new God is going to do right where I am both in ME and in ministry. Can't wait for the next chapter...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Wild Week... of rest??
There are always THOSE weeks, but this week was exceptionally crazy but in a good way. Time spent readying for summer, hearing the hearts and plans of graduating seniors, connecting with an old friend in ministry, and more. It was just a good week! It was however, in the midst of it all peaceful! God gave me rest in the craziness and encouraged me with this passage Isaiah 43:2. I pray that in the busyness of the day/week/month/year you will find rest in Gods faithfulness!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Finish What You Start
I see its been over a year since my last blog post… not a hot demand from people just waiting on my next post or that I have anything remotely striking to talk about. I'm no Seth Godin or Michael Hyatt so who really cares about my blog? Well, I should! God has put things in my heart and life over the last few years that I have failed to run with, failed to seize, and neglected to follow through on. Between transitioning into a new journey in Midland, buying a house, settling in, taking a long look at the SM culture here, continuing work on my PhD, I simply "forgot" that God told me to blog!
A few years ago, when I was struggling through a period of ministry, God reminded me of a verse:
Philippians 1:6- "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ"
Now, this is not meant in any way to be an exegetical treatise of this passage, but there are a couple of things that convicted me to the core when I read this passage this past week and I asked myself these questions:
1. Have I been totally faithful in every way to the mission God has called ME to?
(raising up a generation of Kingdom builders, releasing students to IMPACT the world, equipping
parents to champion their kids)
2. Have I been a good steward of EVERY gift entrusted to me by God?
(education, family, leaders, resources)
3. Have I pursued with all that I am to look more like Jesus today than I did yesterday?
(as a husband, dad, pastor, leader, friend and follower of Jesus)
I would like to be very Holy and say that all these above got a resounding 'YES!", but I would be a liar. the truth is, I am not real sure about these above because I haven't been faithful in keeping up with it. I have not journaled, blogged or written any of the great things that happened in the last year or so down.
I pray that for the sake of letting Christ finish his work in me, I will be faithful to record it and share it, for maybe none else but He and I to read! Let the journey begin again...
A few years ago, when I was struggling through a period of ministry, God reminded me of a verse:
Philippians 1:6- "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ"
Now, this is not meant in any way to be an exegetical treatise of this passage, but there are a couple of things that convicted me to the core when I read this passage this past week and I asked myself these questions:
1. Have I been totally faithful in every way to the mission God has called ME to?
(raising up a generation of Kingdom builders, releasing students to IMPACT the world, equipping
parents to champion their kids)
2. Have I been a good steward of EVERY gift entrusted to me by God?
(education, family, leaders, resources)
3. Have I pursued with all that I am to look more like Jesus today than I did yesterday?
(as a husband, dad, pastor, leader, friend and follower of Jesus)
I would like to be very Holy and say that all these above got a resounding 'YES!", but I would be a liar. the truth is, I am not real sure about these above because I haven't been faithful in keeping up with it. I have not journaled, blogged or written any of the great things that happened in the last year or so down.
I pray that for the sake of letting Christ finish his work in me, I will be faithful to record it and share it, for maybe none else but He and I to read! Let the journey begin again...
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