Sunday, April 29, 2012

Finish What You Start

 I see its been over a year since my last blog post… not a hot demand from people just waiting on my next post or that I have anything remotely striking to talk about. I'm no Seth Godin or Michael Hyatt so who really cares about my blog? Well, I should! God has put things in my heart and life over the last few years that I have failed to run with, failed to seize, and neglected to follow through on. Between transitioning into a new journey in Midland, buying a house, settling in, taking a long look at the SM culture here, continuing work on my PhD, I simply "forgot" that God told me to blog!

 A few years ago, when I was struggling through a period of ministry, God reminded me of a verse:

Philippians 1:6-  "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ"

Now, this is not meant in any way to be an exegetical treatise of this passage, but there are a couple of things that convicted me to the core when I read this passage this past week and I asked myself these questions:

1. Have I been totally faithful in every way to the mission God has called ME to?
     (raising up a generation of Kingdom builders, releasing students to IMPACT the world, equipping  
      parents to champion their kids)

2. Have I been a good steward of EVERY gift entrusted to me by God? 
     (education, family, leaders, resources)

3. Have I pursued with all that I am to look more like Jesus today than I did yesterday?
     (as a husband, dad, pastor, leader, friend and follower of Jesus)

I would like to be very Holy and say that all these above got a resounding 'YES!", but I would be a liar. the truth is, I am not real sure about these above because I haven't been faithful in keeping up with it. I have not journaled, blogged or written any of the great things that happened in the last year or so down.

I pray that for the sake of letting Christ finish his work in me, I will be faithful to record it and share it, for maybe none else but He and I to read! Let the journey begin again...