Monday, August 11, 2008

Phenias and Ferb...and the "Candace's" in our lives

In case you haven't seen this hilarious cartoon, it's a Disney channel show that my kids love (and I must confess, I do to.) The gist of the cartoon is that two brothers, Phenias and Ferb have huge imaginations and visions of great things to accomplish for the summer, the entire time, their older sister Candace is trying to ruin their plans by showing their parents that the boys are up to no good. Now never mind that these plans are usually harmless and quite clever, but Candace has one focus, Jeremy and never can appreciate the genius of her two younger brothers.

Ever feel like that in YM? Have great vision and ideas that seem to be God given and fun, yet someone comes along and wants to stop them from happening simply because their life isn't as interesting or "fun" as yours. I have encountered "Candace's" in my life and ministry. Often time they are the "thorn in our side" when we have a great idea for fun, or an event. A few years back I came up with this great idea for a back to school event called Mudstock. Basically we dug huge pits in our back field at the church and filled them with tons of water- It was awesome! Anyway, we had planned to have Mudstock on Wednesday night which was usually our mid-week student gathering. The day before this event I had a parent walk in my office and protest the event, because it was "fun and games and we should be giving the gospel". Now without getting into everything that went through my mind or the rest of that conversation, I'm sure you have had a Candace like this before , if not you will!

How do we deal with the "Candace's" in our ministry?

1. "Candace's" normally are well intentioned even if ill motivated.

Col. 3:13- Make allowance for one anther's faults- when we encounter "Candace's" in our ministry we must first react spiritually in love and understanding. A good conversation usually can be an opportunity for both parties to give their view and come to an agreement.

2. "Candace's" normally can be handled with good communication and proper planning

Prov. 15:22- Good plans succeed with wise counsel. If you have a "Candace" in your ministry try talking with them up front and maybe even include them in the planning, therefore eliminating any last minute complaints and obstacles, not to mention what this can do for the over all relationship.

3. Sometimes "Candace's" have a point

Exodus 18:17- This is not good. Often times, God puts "Candace's" in our lives to keep us on point. There is nothing like a "Candace" to help us really self examine and be sure our own motives for what we do in ministry are in line with God.

Either way, for you "Phenias and Ferb's" out there, keep dreaming, keep having fun in Christ, but give the "Candace's" a chance, you just might learn to love them..........

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