Friday, May 16, 2014

3 Escapes From Your Social Media

 In my last blog post I gave 3 signs that you need to take a break from your social media. Basically some unhealthy habits that could speak to a larger issue of dependency on or maybe even an "addiction" to your social networks. If you're like me, you don't like to be told "why" but not "how". 

So here are 3 ways you can adjust your life in light of these warning signs:
(From least-most extreme measure)

1. Place your phone or tablet under your Bible, a new book, or newspaper. Just giving one layer of distraction from and encouragement toward something else could help resist the temptation to dive directly into your feeds when you wake up!

2. Place your social media devices in another room entirely. We have habit of plugging in those devices beside our beds. I mean we are using them right up until time to sleep so we just reach over and plug them in. Oh, we also use them for our alarm clock right? I encourage you to have a "bed time" for devices. Research says being off of them 30 minutes before going to bed could help in time needed to fall asleep and quality of sleep! Perhaps another blog post coming ;)

3. Delete social media apps for 30 days. I know, I know... This is the most extreme measure ever! As many teenagers would say "I just can't!!" However, depending on how well you can receive the above suggestions may be the litmus test results for you that your dependence on these social media platforms is extraordinarily unhealthy. You don't lose any thing and you're not deleting your account (though that might be needed for some) Simply remove them for 30 days and replace that time with reading, praying or simply having a convo with those in your presence.

Social media is an all-important part of our life and culture and I certainly am not excused from the last two blogs penned. But as with any thing, I want to leverage it to look more like Jesus, not it leveraging me to look more like the world!

What are some other tips or suggestions you have used to take a break from social media?

Monday, May 12, 2014

3 Warning Signs You Need a Break From Social Media

 I love social media... It is such an impactful way to communicate, connect and share with others, but it also can be detracting from communicating, connecting and sharing with those in your very presence.

 If you're like me, you find that every once in a while you just have to "unplug" and readjust things. But when do we do that? Its a busy week, we have a big event coming up, its graduation time... and so on. All these can be excuses that keep us plugged in during the very times we need to get away.

Here are 3 signs you need to take a break:

1. The first thing you do when you wake up is check your social media- Not coffee, not prayer or Bible study, the very first thing you do is open up that app and see "what's going on in the world" This is unhealthy and a sure sign that you need a break to readjust your morning routine.

2. You cannot wait to open that app with a little red notification on the top- You will be in full conversation with someone and it happens, an app updates and you have a notification. Your mind flood with thoughts: Who is it? What did they say? Did they like my pic? Then without thought you drop eye contact with a real person standing in front of you and put your attention to your social media. This dishonors that person and is a sure sign you need to take a break and readjust your priorities in relationships

3. You can't leave your phone- You get up to go do something in the kitchen and you get half way there turn around and go back to get that phone. I mean, what if someone texts me or comments on my picture (see above), I have to see it immediately! Never mind you will be back from the kitchen in about 2 minutes. If this is you, you need to re-examine not only where your self worth is coming from but also your level of contentment as well.

There are probably 100 reasons why we need to unplug, but ask your self these three questions and as Paul says in Romans 12 "take a careful examination of yourself". If this sparks something in your thoughts, Here are 3 ways to begin your time away from social media

Thursday, May 8, 2014

4 Things I want You to Know About our Adoption

I have been very apprehensive about making this public. I mean if you're close to me you already know, but for other friends near and far... The Nichles family is about to grow!

 No, Emily is not pregnant and no we're not getting more animals at the farm, we are adopting. Now this isn't earth shattering if you have spent any time with me or our family because we have thought about this for years. We have even looked into it several times and the timing was just not right. But in the last few months Gods timing, provision and our hearts began to line up and an opportunity has presented itself for us to follow God in this new journey.

There are a couple of things I would like to ask all of you as we navigate the unknown waters ahead:

1. Please pray for us! Seems docile I know, but we really are seeking 3 things from God and ask you to ask Him for them as well: wisdom, discernment and favor. Colossians 1:9, Luke 2:52

2. Do NOT ask questions like what age? what gender? or especially what "color"?!?  We do not know nor really do we care! We have an idea where God is leading us but we also know that God knows infinitely more than we do about our families future and we want to arrive at the destination he has not where we want.
(Our hearts desire is to adopt a child in late childhood-early teens because they are the least likely to be adopted statistically, plus it fits our "natural" life stage with our own children) Philippians 4:8

3. Do NOT "share" with us others horror stories of this process. We know the risk and are prepared as best we can for heartbreak, we trust God and know he will be faithful. Simply love us and encourage us to remain steadfast and faithful! Ephesians 4:29

4. Please DO be patient with our family as we navigate a plethora of BIG decisions like where to send our kids to school, what events and socials we can participate in, and how our family adjusts to a new member. Ephesians 4:32

Right now we are reading some very helpful blogs, books and other resources from those who have adopted and are very encouraged. If you have other suggestions in this area we would love to hear from you...

Current reads:

The Bible- sounds trite but Gods speaks ALOT about adoption
Orphanology by Tony Merida
Reclaiming Adoption by Dan Cruver and John Piper
Becoming Home by Barna (Frames)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

3 Things I Re-learned at Orange Conference

 Conferences are such a blessing and privilege for anyone to attend, especially if they help you sharpen your skills, heighten your passion or help you see something brand new! I had the privilege of attending #OC14 last week, a conference experience for all those who serve the church in some capacity for kids and families of all ages! If you're reading this, you probably already know, but if by chance you are not familiar with this strategy than here is a link to Orange to find out more. I am not sure about you, but usually when I got to conferences I come home excited but with this nagging thought in my head that, "there's no way I can pull that off!" However, #OC14 was different!

  Now their talent pool, resources, and format are of the greatest excellence and there is absolutely no way I could ever replicate it in my setting! However, I wanted to share the 3 things I came home with that weren't necessarily new, but helpful, timely and encouraging:

1.  People matter- I guess as a minister and someone who has served in the church my entire adult life you would think this would be a given, but the reality of ministry is that programs, budgets, and the "next thing" can cloud my thoughts quickly. The bottom line is that People are what’s important! Sure Budgets and programming are realities that help guide ministry, but it should never dictate it!

2. Smaller is still better I love high-energy worship services! I always enjoy a great vocal, guitar solo, and a meaty message from the Word, but nothing helps form people into the image of Jesus like a small group of people to live life with. Small Groups (however you label them) should receive much of the attention, efforts, and resources of the church, rather than everything being in that one basket of an hour on Sunday! And the caveat to this is constantly developing those small group leaders. (This is a post in itself)

3. Cooperation is Vital- Churches in general but age specific ministries within the church especially should never operate in a silo's of segregation but instead should be fostered to coagulate. This WILL not happen naturally in any organization! Harmonious ministries that support, love and celebrate one another must be intentionally formed and intentionally shaped with the end in mind and kept from anything that takes their eyes off of that common end!

I would love to hear from anyone else who attended #OC14 or #Catalyst or any other great conference this year- What are your top 3 highlights?