Monday, May 12, 2014

3 Warning Signs You Need a Break From Social Media

 I love social media... It is such an impactful way to communicate, connect and share with others, but it also can be detracting from communicating, connecting and sharing with those in your very presence.

 If you're like me, you find that every once in a while you just have to "unplug" and readjust things. But when do we do that? Its a busy week, we have a big event coming up, its graduation time... and so on. All these can be excuses that keep us plugged in during the very times we need to get away.

Here are 3 signs you need to take a break:

1. The first thing you do when you wake up is check your social media- Not coffee, not prayer or Bible study, the very first thing you do is open up that app and see "what's going on in the world" This is unhealthy and a sure sign that you need a break to readjust your morning routine.

2. You cannot wait to open that app with a little red notification on the top- You will be in full conversation with someone and it happens, an app updates and you have a notification. Your mind flood with thoughts: Who is it? What did they say? Did they like my pic? Then without thought you drop eye contact with a real person standing in front of you and put your attention to your social media. This dishonors that person and is a sure sign you need to take a break and readjust your priorities in relationships

3. You can't leave your phone- You get up to go do something in the kitchen and you get half way there turn around and go back to get that phone. I mean, what if someone texts me or comments on my picture (see above), I have to see it immediately! Never mind you will be back from the kitchen in about 2 minutes. If this is you, you need to re-examine not only where your self worth is coming from but also your level of contentment as well.

There are probably 100 reasons why we need to unplug, but ask your self these three questions and as Paul says in Romans 12 "take a careful examination of yourself". If this sparks something in your thoughts, Here are 3 ways to begin your time away from social media

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