Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just Get Up!

"David got up from the floor, washed his face and combed his hair, put on a fresh change of clothes, then went into the sanctuary and worshiped." II Chronicles 12:20 (Message)

This passage has been extremely important to me lately! I hope you are familiar with it. If not, David had his affair with Bathsheba, had Uriah, her husband, killed, lied to everyone, ignored his spiritual counsel (Nathan), and rebelled against a Holy God. The child that Bathsheba conceived had become ill and died. David had been in great mourning the entire time of the child's illness, he fasted, prayed, and kept himself isolated from the community. At quite possibly the lowest time in his life, when all seemed lost, when hope was no more, HE GOT UP! We have all heard the old adage, "You got back on the horse.", But not if its the wrong horse! Notice though in this passage, David GOT UP and what? Yelled? Shook his fist? Fired everyone employed in the courts? Took his anger out on his subjects? NO! He washed up, got fresh clothes on, and worshiped!
There is no shame in some solitude when times are tough. Often times it is healthy. But the greatest way back after a difficult journey in life is to GET UP, and GO WORSHIP! I don't mean go to a nifty church service. Notice in the passage David went "into the Sanctuary" The place known in his day as the very presence of God, where He dwelt!
No matter if your circumstances are due to your own sin, someone else's sin, or just Gods good ole providential dealings, the way back may include grief, agony, loss, and pain. But at the end of the day, GET UP, GO TO GODS PRESENCE, and WORSHIP my friend!

1 comment:

Drummer101 said...

I agreew with every word of this passage and the meaning itself. I know I have been going through alot of things lately, but the more and more I complain or be down about it the more and more time I have wasted. Have I visited God yet? Have I looked into His word? Have I went to him in coversation? This passage has helped alot!