Monday, July 2, 2012

Jesus lives at the Waffle House

Every year at camp, we set aside one night to take our graduating seniors on an "after hours excursion". This year we found out that about 80% of the seniors at camp had never been to Waffle House!?! So of course I had to solve this crisis. After the confusion of how to order, the awe of hearing scattered, covered, smothered, and chunked, lots of pictures and a good time was had. As we were leaving, a man asked, "Would you buy me some coffee?" Well 17 of us look at each other for a moment and then I say, "Sure!" Look in my wallet all I had was a $20. My rule is, if someone asks for money, if I have it I give it, no questions just give. It's all Gods money anyway! Well this gave us an opportunity and so 1 hour later we had heard a man that was literally destroyed by divorce, loss of job and confessed that if we hadn't talked with him, he had decided to take his own life. What a great privilege I had to see my seniors gather around this guy, listen to his story, share the love of Christ, and pray with him! I left that night convinced that Jesus lives at Waffle House!

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