Monday, July 30, 2012

The Quest for Greatness

As I watch the Olympics I am in awe of the dedication, discipline, and sacrifice every one of these athletes and their families have made for this moment! When I visited the Olympic training facilities in Colorado, our guide told us that the average athlete spends $250k a year to train and that many athletes family's have several mortgages and loans just to support this dream! I again say, I am in awe of such sacrifice of anyone for anything. I began to think about so many who don't make it, can't afford it, have injuries end their career or just aren't as good as others. How do they measure themselves at that point? I am grateful that in my life, greatness is measured by who Christ is and not how I perform, how many medals I get or how fast I get it done! One of the pastors who mentored me in the early years would always say, "God judges you on your faithfulness not your effectiveness!" I am so grateful for those words and the truth they remind me of after all these years. Doesn't mean I don't strive for greatness, but my quest is not found in my ability or results but in a loving savior who "will finish what HE began in me". I am great because Jesus declares me great... That's victory! Hebrews 2:11

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